This session is live on youtube and facebook.We are on every Fridays at 7.00pm till 8.00pm, Please join us.
This session is live on youtube and facebook.We are on every Fridays at 7.00pm till 8.00pm, Please join us.
I am the presenter, Dr John Lukomona, I really want to encourage people to follow me in this program. In particular those friends in business or just starting their businesses.
There are things I am teaching; and thereafter discussion with a guest on the panel, from which a wider range of issues are focussed on, so practical that you can easily find answers as well as inspiration.
On the Friday 25th September; I will be looking at how to obtain external finance; in form of a loan, grant or equity. How do you prepare yourself for such type of funds and at what cost?
Last week we covered how to raise funds from your existing resources; things you don’t use and more,…
“Do you want to have a cash machine?” I do,
Try and buy my book on “An Effective Entrepreneur”, and also a book on “Every Zambia is A Millionaire”. These are found on, just type in John Lukomona, and all my books will come out. Very good stuff indeed.
Join the program via facebook, youtube(search for lesakutemwa) and live on the website Do not miss. To participate live and verbally connect on zoom ID: 840 7538 7265, time 7.00pm till 8.00pm(UK time).